Thanksgiving Redone! How to plan for an impressive and surprisingly relaxing day.


 Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Traditionally, in my house it is the day where everyone joins in on some of my favorite activities.  Our day of celebrating brings food, movement, and an opportunity to create beauty in our home all together into one celebratory day.  I value being able to relax and soak in the splendor of the day but this takes some thoughtfulness and being prepared. Thus, I have come to love the planning that goes into making our day memorable and relaxing.  Planning early spreads some of the holiday cheer into the days leading up to Thanksgiving and it key to hosting a holiday that feels easy, fun, and relaxing for everyone...including me!

My planning starts a good 3 weeks before Thanksgiving.  Here are a few tips that have become part of my routine.

Keep with Tradition.  Don’t stress yourself out by making too many new and complicated things. My turkey recipe dates back to 1997.  It is from the first Thanksgiving meal I prepared and hosted as an adult.  The wild mushroom shallot gravy is also a staple on the table and every year I also make second gravy offering for fun.  This year it will be an apple bourbon gravy

Shop with a Plan.  The first week of November I set aside an hour or so to go through my pantry, my spices and my wine cellar. I make a list of what I have and what I need. Keep in mind spices you bought last thanksgiving will have lost much of their flavor!  I typically buy my spices in the bulk section so that I am only buying what I need. This ensures maximum freshness and flavor. Shopping early for non-perishable menu items helps me feel organized and less rushed in the days before Thanksgiving.  This year I am determined not to forget the twine for the turkey legs!

Create an Eye Catching Table. I really love setting a formal table.  This is also something that can be done ahead of time. I feel less pressure to create new recipes every year by putting my creativity into a stunning table.  Simple touches go a long way. Oddly matched candle holders with a beeswax taper is a lovely centerpiece. I love the vintage brass candleholders offered by Food 52. Or, hollow out small pumpkins and fill with your favorite fresh flowers, greens, and herbs. A lovely eye catching centerpiece makes a meal unforgettable.

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Play with Color.  Each year I alter the color scheme of my holiday decorating. For me, this adds to the fun.  Color has the power to evoke a mood, tell a story, and create an experience. In the fall and winter I lean toward warm tones.  Last year I played with rich hues of blue and gold. This year I am using soft earth tones of blush and dark olive. Using a monochrome approach can be less overwhelming - soft linen, warm whites, and burlap brown for example.  Or if you are up for it find complementary colors within the same “temperature” (warm or cool) that please your eye and make you feel good - sage + stone or linen gray/blue + sunflower yellow are nice this time of year. Adding a simple color scheme to your home inspires a truly memorable gathering.  


Plan a Family Activity.  Take some of the pressure and focus off of yourself as a host by planning a family activity.  We start our Thanksgiving with the GMAA Turkey Trot, a benefit for the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf.  This year I also stumbled upon some “life-sized” board games, monopoly and scrabble!  No table required! We will toss a bunch of pillows on the floor and likely be entertained for hours.  

Get a jump start on your Thanksgiving day with some culinary pre-planning. Conjure up a memorable holiday table with simple decor and a splash of color. And get ready to enjoy the company of family and friends over a delicious and relaxing meal.

Kimberly Evans